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FIREBIRD is an all around excellent turf performer. It was rated in the top ten in dark green genetic color in the most current testing versus all other tall fescue varieties. It is a top performer in shorter mowed high maintenance turf. Under taller mowing conditions with less fertility and irrigation, FIREBIRD ranks in the top group in low maintenance turf.
The variety has a deep green color that can be a centerpiece of an elite blend with many of the newest tall fescues, perennial ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrasses in turf mixes. It has an open foliar canopy to resist fungal attacks from brown patch disease.
FIREBIRD 2 tall fescue is early to green up in the springtime. It provides a dense turf carpet in the summer and through the fall growing season. This variety is a successful performer in the traditional tall fescue use areas of the United States. FIREBIRD 2 turf type tall fescue will work well for your golf rough and approaches, commercial turf or home lawn care needs.
- Germination Time - Medium Fast 7 to 17 days is normal in spring and fall with irrigation
- Growth habit - bunch grass
- Drought Tolerance - Very Good
- Mowing Height - from 1.5 inch to 3-4 inches weekly
- Disease Resistance Very good resistance to Brown patch when avoiding late spring and summer fertility
- Traffic tolerance - Very Good to Excellent
- pH Tolerance - Ranges from 5.5 to 8.5, Ideally at 6.0 to 6.5
- Texture Medium - leaf texture and semi dwarf vertical growth habit
- Compatibility - with 5 to 10% Kentucky bluegrass or up to 20% fine fescue or perennial ryegrass
- Color - Depp green color
- Shade tolerance - Good to very good
- Salt tolerance - Good
- Endophyte enhanced - Yes - helps insect and stress tolerance
- Preferred use - Home and commercial lawns, sports fields, golf roughs
Seeding Rates:
New Lawns:
8# per 1000 square feet 340# per Acre
4# per 1000 square feet 170# per Acre