- Details
Buckwheat is a warm-season, broadleaf annual with superficial surface roots, a weak tap root, and reddish stems. It is the most common buckwheat seed grown throughout the United States. It grows best in soils with light to medium texture, good drainage and will tolerate moderately acidic soils. Buckwheat has historically been used as feed for cattle, pigs and chickens. It should be ground and mixed with other grains when fed to livestock. It makes a great cover crop and is an excellent weed suppressor. Buckwheat grows in the shortest time period of all cover crops. The flowers attract a large array of beneficial and pollinator insects.
- Excellent plant for bee pasture
- Can be grown as a cover crop to prevent erosion
- Grows quickly
- Uses about half the moisture of soybeans
- Disease Resistance: Very good
- Seeding Rate: Alone: 50-60 lb/acre
- Planting Season: Late Spring
- Plant Depth: 1" – 1½ "