Vernal Alfalfa Seed, 50 Lb Bag

Seat Coating
  • Details

For many years vernal alfalfa has been the most common variety to use. It is known for its winter hardiness, reliability and affordability. Vernal alfalfa is used mostly for hay production. Vernal exhibits excellent winter hardiness in the North and moderate regrowth after cutting. This plant is grown by itself or in combination with grasses in improved pastures. Alfalfa grows best on deep, well-drained, friable soils. Lands subject to frequent overflows or high-water tables are unfavorable to alfalfa. The pH of the soil should be 6.5 or above. The weight of the alfalfa seeds will contain approximately 34% coating material that contains the inoculant and water holding material for better establishment and viability of the seed.

  • Excellent drought tolerance
  • Adapted to variable soil conditions
  • Winterhardy and persistent
  • Superior forage quality
  • High palatability


  • Disease Resistance: Very good
  • Seeding Rate: Alone (lbs./acre): 15-20 / Mixes (lbs./acre): 8-10
  • Planting Season: Spring - Fall
  • Plant Depth: ½" – 1”