Fridge Triticale Seed

  • Ingredients: Tritacale
  • Details

Triticale is a crop species resulting from a plant breeder's cross between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale). The protein and palatability of triticale is higher than wheat, and is an excellent grain for pasture,hay and as a cover crop. This variety is known for its strong stems, dark green foliage, and long heads. Its aggressive root system builds biomass while scavenging nitrogen.

  • High protein and digestibility
  • Cool season annual
  • extremely aggressive and deep root system
  • excellent choice for use as pasture, hay, haylage, and as a cover crop


  • Disease Resistance: Very good
  • Seeding Rate: Alone: 100-120 LBS./Acre
  • Planting Season: Fall, Spring
  • Plant Depth: 1" - 1.5"

Photo Credit: broodlokaal_castricum